In Vitro Fertilization - Del Prado Fertilization Center, Tijuana.

The In Vitro Fertilization technique consists in obtaining the eggs and mixing them with sperm in a controlled lab environment. An ovaric stimulation must be done to obtain more than one egg, which is the natural cycle. This technique was created primarily for patients with no fallopian tubes or with damage to them. In which cases is In Vitro Fertilization recommended?

  • Irreversible tubal factor
  • Severe Endometriosis
  • Male factor infertility
  • Failure to Inseminate
  • Unexplained Infertility
  • Age Factor

We will detail the process step by step. A follow up of at least 2 weeks is necessary, though it is not necessary that, during these 2 weeks, the patient be in the city but rather it depends on the stages of the In Vitro Process.

1.- Initial Evaluation

  • Vaginal Ultrasoundto analyze the ovule and uterus
  • Transference test, where a small catheter is used, through which embryos are introduced to the uterus or womb. Hormonal Tests for female spouse Recent Papanicolaou
  • Recent Papanicolaou
  • Semen analysis for male spouse

2. Ovulation induction

An ultrasound on the 2nd or 3rd day of menstrual period. An ultrasound on the 8th day of the menstrual period. An ultrasound on the 11th day of the menstrual period.

3. Follicular Aspiration

On the 13th or 14th day of the cycle, the egg aspiration through intravenous sedation. A procedure that takes approximately 30 minutes, followed by a 2 hour observation period after which the patient can leave.

4. In Vitro Fertilization

Once the eggs are obtained, they are placed in contact with sperm. On this day, the male spouse gives a semen sample, which is processed and the best sperms are used.

5. Embryo culturing

These ovule and sperm are placed in special incubation chambers under certain temperature, humidity and other conditions.

6. Embryonic Transference

After daily development evaluation of the embryo, depending on the number, development and quality, the most appropriate day for them to be placed in the womb or uterus is determined. This is done with a special catheter and through ultrasound.

7. Pregnancy Test

Two weeks after, a pregnancy test is done to determine if the procedure was successful.

8. In Vitro Procedure

Clínica de Fertilidad

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